All About that Brand

When I think about branding myself, I think of DKNYPRGIRL, or Aliza Licht. She’s someone I look up to in the public relations field and she has crafted one of the best and most influential brands, especially on Twitter. She created a brand that was your best friend: the one who watched all your favorite shows with you and tweeted her opinions; but she was also your go-to for trusted advice on certain companies, especially DKNY. When I read her biography on how she became DKNYPRGirl and creating and running her brand, I was inspired. She knows exactly how to run her social media that represents her, as well as proudly representing and doing her job for her company. Licht is a great role model for those looking to enter the public relations field. DKNY went in a new marketing direction in 2015, so you can check out Licht’s new profile here.

My self-brand will follow along the likes of being a known PR professional with a spin on sports since I’m interested, while staying true to my authentic self with my humor and binge watching of horrible TV shows. I’m inspired by DKNYPRGIRL to stay true to myself and tweet about my actual life and the humor in it, while also selling the brands or companies I work for.

I also want to follow the likes of authentic self-branding like this article discusses. I want people to read my social media and know that it’s the true me behind the accounts. I feel the first way to start that is I’ve been known as my Twitter name since I started it and need to stick to my true self, instead of just becoming a shameless self-promoter to get ahead in my career.

I want my brand to be like DKNYPRGIRL- getting the job done while also creating a strong followership by being authentically me on social media.


In order to achieve my personal brand, I need to set some goals. I need to set my Twitter niche by not only tweeting about the mishaps and havoc of my daily and career life, but I need to tweet regularly. I’m setting a goal of tweeting at least once a day outside of my blog tweets. I also want to make my photos on Instagram more visually appealing to you, so you can step into my shoes and see what my life is like through my eyes. And finally, I need to step up my LinkedIn game and get some connections to help build my brand there. So help me out- follow me on all platforms and let’s ~connect~ on LinkedIn. And maybe emotionally.

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